Please complete the application and click "SUBMIT". A New Hope Clinic representative will get back to you shortly. Required First Name *Middle Last Name *Preferred for name badge Address *Address 2 (Apt,Suite, Bldg) Optional City *State *Zip Code *Email *Phone (Home) Phone (Work) Phone (Cell) In Case of Emergency Please Notify *Relationship to Volunteer Phone *Professional Healthcare Provider License in NC? YesNoType License # How did you hear about New Hope Previous Experience: Career/Personal (Employer, title, dates, duties) *How would you like to help? *Front Office (Reception)Back OfficeMedical Records ClerkInterpretingBuilding & Grounds (Repairs)Building & Grounds (Landscaping)Marketing/Social MediaDesign (newsletters/brochures)/ WebsiteCommunity Outreach/Public RelationsFundraising/Grant WritingVolunteer ManagementPatient EligibilityNursing (Licensed)Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (EMT, RN/LPN with inactive license, Medical Assistant)PharmacistPharmacy TechnicianDentistDental Assistant/Hygienist/Lab TechnicianPractitioner: Primary Care or SpecialtiesPatient Health EducationIT SpecialistOther When would you like to volunteer? *MorningAfternoonEveningSpecial EventsMondaysTuesdaysWednesdaysThursdaysFridaysPlease list two references *Phone *Email *Relationship to Volunteer *Please list two references (copy) *Phone *Email (copy) *Relationship to Volunteer *VOLUNTEER APPLICATION AGREEMENT 1. I certify that my answers on this application are true. 2. I authorize New Hope Clinic to verify the information submitted in this application and to contact the references provided. 3. If accepted as a volunteer at New Hope Clinic, I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of New Hope Clinic, Inc. 4. My services are donated without contemplation of compensation or future employment. 5. I shall not solicit any business for attorneys or insurance companies “for compensation”, both on or off Clinic property, or act as a runner for an attorney in the solicitation business. I shall report all known occurrences of solicitation for attorneys. 6. I shall not sell or attempt to sell goods or services, request contributions, or solicit persons to sign or distribute political petitions on Clinic premises. 7. I shall attempt to resolve any problems related to my volunteer activities with the New Hope Clinic Executive Director. 8. I understand that the Clinic reserves the right to terminate my volunteer status as a result of (a) failure to comply with Clinic policies, rules and regulations; (b) absences without prior notification; (c) unsatisfactory attitude, work, or appearance; or (d) any other circumstances which, in the judgment of the Executive Director, Medical Director, Dental Director, or Pharmacy Director, would make my continued service as a volunteer contrary to the best interests of the Clinic.I have read each of the above conditions and I agree to be bound by them *By checking this box I am agreeing to the terms of the volunteer application agreement.Security Verification *CommentSubmit